To start with, congregants called for the Blood Of Jesus Christ to set them free from sin and sorrow. “Forgive us of all unrighteousness,” they pled at the Throne Of Grace. Then they acknowledged the lifeline offered by the Saviour as they sang on a mellow note on the morning of April 28, 2024: “I Will Send Out An Army To Find You/In The Middle Of The Darkest Night!” Congregants sang on: “I Can Be Naked And Not Ashamed/Lord, You Know Me!” It was such an intense worship session that the aura of the Holy Ghost soon overshadowed The SCOAN Auditorium, preparing the ground for healing, deliverance and all of God’s blessings for the salvation of souls.
“Choose Joy” was the title of Evangelist David’s message, for which he fittingly led the people to sing, “If You Are Happy And You Know/Say Amen!” He took his reading from John 15:11 – “I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.” Among other bits of Scripture were 1 Thessalonians 5:16, 1 Samuel 17:47 and John 16:33.
Evangelist David began with a key question: “How often do we measure our worth by the approval of others, forgetting that our true value comes from God alone?” He quickly reminded the church thus: “Joy is not found in the things that come and go but in the One who remains constant and unchanging through it all.” No doubt, these two sentences sum up the sermon but the evangelist made sure to elaborate with biblical teaching backed with illustrations.
He urged congregants to shun worldly sources of fleeting happiness, which only leaves one empty and vulnerable on the inside. He observed that the Christian who displays true faith is the one who can draw mental strength, contentment and happiness from the faith in their heart, not from what they possess or their station in life. Such believers, he said, cannot be distracted from reaching their full potential, since they will operate only according to God’s timing.
Evangelist David therefore urged the people to shun sadness and its accompanying issues such as fear, anxiety, and depression, and to rejoice at all times. He then concluded, “Let us choose joy, not as the world gives, but as Christ gives. As we abide in Him, may our hearts overflow with joy that surpasses all understanding, a joy that remains steadfast through every trial and tribulation.”
For Them, He Made The Impossible Possible!
Referring to the sermon, Pastor Evelyn Joshua urged congregants to choose joy as she joined them for the Prayer Line ministration.
The woman of God prayed: “Father Lord, we bless Your holy name. Abba Father, we thank You. As we stand on You, the Rock that is higher than us this morning to give You thanks, to give You all the praise, Father, we thank You for the grace to come to You as we are. We praise You because You know us more than we know ourselves. O Lord God Almighty, we thank You that despite our limitations, our shortcomings, our wrong choices, You still love us.
And so, Lord God, we ask You this morning to ignite Your fire of love within us. Father God, let every pain, every hurt be gone! Almighty God, make the impossible possible for us today, in the name of Jesus Christ! Father, let Your light, power, Spirit reign here today. Fill us, remould us, teach us, instruct us, guide us, bless us, in the name of Jesus Christ! Let Your grace be enough for us today to receive. Through Christ, our King, we pray!”
Pastor Evelyn Joshua then proceeded to lay hands on people who had exercised persevering faith over various issues such as difficulty in walking due to osteoarthritis and lumbar spondylosis, neck tumour, swollen scrotum, asthma, swollen legs, hernia, and prostate problem leading to urination of blood.
Alongside The SCOAN Evangelists, the woman of God stood on the believer’s authority to minister divine relief to people suffering from mental disorder, drug addiction, epilepsy, gambling addiction, skin disease, leg injury, goitre, swollen cheeks, and other issues defying human effort.
Efficacious prayer was also said for women seeking the safe delivery of their babies, even as others were touched by the power of Jesus Christ over breast cancer and breast lumps.
Thereafter, God’s servants went to other parts of the auditorium to lay hands on the people and expose the works of satan in their lives. Of a truth, the mighty name of Jesus Christ breaks down every stronghold! Thank You, Jesus!
And The Lord Intervened In Their Affairs!
At the start of the Mass Prayer session, Evangelist Joseph told the people to assert, “My happiness is sure.”
He told the people to declare: “Lord Jesus, my heart is ready. My spirit is ready. My soul is ready. My body is ready. Come and deliver me! Come and set me free! O Holy Spirit, come and touch me!” He also prayed: “We command every demon, familiar spirit, contrary spirit, evil spirit that has been operating in your life, stealing from your life – anywhere they are – Holy Ghost Fire: Out!”
Evangelist Ope told the people to pray: “You spirit tormenting my life – spirit of hardship, depression, sorrow – anywhere you are: Out!”
Evangelist James prayed: “Every sickness in your blood, bones – out!”
Evangelist Chisom urged the people to pray: “You sickness, anywhere you are, tormenting my body – in the name of Jesus, out! Whatever connects me to poverty – be it my business, career – be broken, in the name of Jesus! Whatever that connects me to disappointment, setback – be broken, in the name of Jesus!”
Pastor Evelyn Joshua encouraged the people to declare: “Lord Jesus Christ, enlarge my faith to believe the impossible. Father, give me the grace to live my life in purity and honour. O Lord, intervene in my affairs in the name of Jesus!”
Pastor Evelyn Joshua prayed: “Father Lord God Almighty, in Your mercy, bless Your children and save them today, in the name of Jesus Christ! Be healed from that affliction, disease! Whatever that is holding you down – out now, in the name of Jesus Christ! We command every contrary spirit challenging your Sonship in Christ to be silenced today, in the name of Jesus Christ! Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on Your children! I command every spirit of stagnation, poverty, frustration, manipulation – I command them to be silenced in your life today, in the name of Jesus!”
Turning to viewers all over the world, the woman of God assured them: “From God’s mercy you are not left out.” She prayed for them: “Receive the healing power of God, in the name of Jesus Christ! Be freed from that chain, from that entanglement! Breakthrough in your home, family, marriage, business!”
In a Mass Prayer video, Prophet TB Joshua urged the people to pray: “Lord Jesus, release me and let my heart contact Your spirit.” The man of God prayed: “I say to your heart, ‘Be freed, in the name of Jesus!’ I redeem your heart, in the name of Jesus!” He further told congregants to declare: “My heart, be freed from pain of the past, bitterness, unforgiving spirit, hatred!”
Prophet TB Joshua further prayed: “Let the will of God be done in your life! Every spirit that torments your life, every spirit standing against you – I command them to leave you! Forces that stand against you – leave my people! The spirit of God is in your blood, bones, kidneys! You cancer, fibroids, poison – out! Whatever you have in your system – begin to pour it out!”
Anointing Brings Business Breakthrough And Fruit Of The Womb
Gift had moved to Ghana some years ago. There, he started a fish farm that was supposed to thrive internationally. However, he found that ninety per cent of his fish kept arriving dead at the customer’s end. “My business started getting bad publicity,” he told the church on April 28, 2024. Realising that this was a spiritual problem, Gift came to The SCOAN and received prayer. “I went back to Ghana with the Anointing Water and ministered it on my fish,” he said. Since then, his business has been thriving. “People are now advertising my business,” he smiled. And when he wanted a child, he also returned to The SCOAN for prayer. On returning to Ghana, he experienced a miracle. “My wife soon fell pregnant and the Lord saw her through the pregnancy,” he said. Today, the couple has a beautiful baby girl named Sarah. Gift advised people, “Stay focused during challenges; God’s time is the best.” His wife, Paulina, told of how she had received prayer at the Ghana Meeting With Pastor Evelyn Joshua. “I was having a constant headache during the pregnancy,” she recalled, “but God took control and I had my baby safely.”
Freed From The Dark Powers Of His Parents’ Household!
During his testimony on April 28, 2024, Freeman began by narrating how a strange hand used to feed him in the dream. Later he also started seeing a destructive giant man in his dreams. “I knew I was the only one with the ability to destroy him but I kept holding back,” he said. When he tried to defeat the giant, however, a female form appeared and seduced him, causing him to fail to defeat the giant. From then onwards, Freeman’s life became even more difficult. One day, he felt a snake on his chest as he lay asleep on the bed. “We switched on the light and checked everywhere but saw nothing,” he recalled. He then told of how snakes continued to appear to him and how he became suicidal. On several occasions, he had tried to kill himself but a voice had urged him not to do it. Eventually, Freeman discovered a prayer ministration of Prophet TB Joshua and he prayed along. “Once the man of God stretched forth his hand in the video, a force knocked down and my phone fell off my hand,” he said. Twice did Freeman have the experience. For that reason, he made his way to The SCOAN on April 21, 2024. The power of deliverance located him on that day, freeing him from the dark powers that had been ruling his life. He advised others to take their issues to God.
From Poverty To Prosperity!
Denis, a Togolese, had come to seek God’s face in The Arena Of Liberty. “I wanted God to intervene in my life,” he said on April 28, 2024. He had been living in abject poverty. On returning home with spiritual items from The SCOAN, Denis began to come across opportunities to better his life. He got involved in a business deal involving fertiliser and he has been thriving since then. “I opened a supermarket and have now built a house and got a car; I can also take good care of my family,” he said. Denis urged others to believe in God.
Healed Of Neck Stiffness And Shoulder Pain!
Julius, a Cameroonian, was in The SCOAN for prayer on April 21, 2024 as Pastor Evelyn Joshua ministered the prayer of healing and deliverance. He had come with the problem of neck stiffness and severe shoulder pain. As the woman of God prayed in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Julius felt the mighty hand of God upon him. Seconds later, he took off his neck collar and began to praise the name of the Lord. “After the prayer, I turned my neck several times and felt no pain,” he said with a broad smile on his face. “No matter the gravity of your sickness, seek God,” he advised others. A family friend expressed gratitude to God for the healing. “Go to a living church,” she advised.
Anointing Saves Sarah’s Hand!
On April 14, 2024, Sarah was in The Arena Of Liberty over a bad sore that resulted from a hot water burn on her hand. Although she had received treatment for it, the sore refused to heal. “It kept oozing out pus and became smelly, making me irritated,” she said two weeks later. Sarah was amazed at receiving instant healing. “Here is the same hand,” she said while tapping on it. “Have total faith in the saving power of the Lord,” she advised others.
Email Testimonies
- Gloria from Uganda called The SCOAN Prayer Line on February 7, 2024 over ulcers, joblessness and family problems. During the prayer, her body shook and she vomited poisonous substances. Later in the month, she received a job offer! Now she is also fine in health!
- Appeal from Nigeria, a chief, had had a partial stroke for ten years. On calling the Prayer Line, he received his healing! Glory be to God!
- Sarah used to have painful menses and a shocking sensation around her navel. She was also looking for a baby. After seeking God’s intervention, her next period was painless and she subsequently fell pregnant. Despite challenges to her pregnancy, she knew that God would show up for her. She called the Prayer Line and later had her baby with ease! Her husband also received promotion at work!
- Charity from Nigeria had been bothered by an overdue pregnancy. On March 15, 2024, she was induced four times but the baby refused to show up. Along the line, she called the Prayer Line and received prayer. A few hours later, she had a healthy baby boy!
- Frieda from Germany testified about the safe delivery of her baby girl without surgery! She advised others to believe in God always.
- Also from Germany, Irene testified about getting a job and having her marriage restored after calling the Prayer Line!
- Given from Tanzania, a medical doctor, testified about the healing of his fiancée from a heart problem after he called for prayer on March 26, 2024. A month later, tests certified her to be free from all heart trouble. Thank You, Jesus!