As the year winds down, do you realise it is crucial to check yourself? For those in The SCOAN during the last Sunday Service of 2024, it was a time to check their standing with God and fellow humans. This soul-searching began with a session of worship, during which the people glorified God with many songs for His enduring mercy and grace. “We Give You Glory And Honour/You Are The Lord/Let Your Name Be Glorified!” they proclaimed. Acknowledging God’s dominion, congregants hailed Yahweh in many ways and succeeded in preparing the atmosphere for the Holy Spirit.

An Unexamined Life Is An Unkempt Life
Evangelist Ope anchored his sermon on mainly 1 Timothy 4:16 and partly on 2 Corinthians 13:5 and 1 Corinthians 11:28. Entitled “Check Yourself”, the message was bluntly delivered to a quite receptive audience. Relying on 2 Corinthians 10:2, the preacher explained that his aim was not to see people compare themselves to others or measure themselves by themselves. Instead, he said, they were to examine their actions in the light of God’s Word, as urged in 2 Timothy 3:16-17 and Hebrews 4:12. “Examining oneself on a daily basis is a good thing,” he stated.

The minister also noted that most failure tends to be the result of inaction, especially failing to check oneself – a situation that often leads to regret. “An unchecked life is an unkempt life,” he observed, while adding that some people delight in causing pain to others and sowing seeds of discourse among people. As such, he urged congregants to note that they might in fact be the source of their own problems. One way to be a better person, he said, is to be grateful always, be a giver and practise forgiveness while avoiding an entitlement mentality.

As he concluded the sermon, Evangelist Ope cited 1 Corinthians 10:12 and Galatians 6:3 and told the people: “God Almighty is calling us to change. He is calling on us to look within and correct our ways. Let us check or examine ourselves in order to make a change, because if you don’t change nothing will change!”

“Go Where You Are Welcome”
“It is another glorious day in His presence and we have come to say, ‘Thank You’,” said Pastor Evelyn Joshua on joining the people for the Prayer Line ministration.
Following up on the sermon, Pastor Evelyn Joshua talked to the people about the place of faith and the nature of the Holy Spirit. She assured them, “The One inside of you is greater than the one in the world.” She also reminded congregants thus: “If the Holy Spirit takes residence within you, you will go to a place where He is honoured, welcome and appreciated not just where He is needed.”
Citing Luke 9:1-5 and Psalm 40:2, the woman of God observed: “Today many of us find ourselves where we are needed but not welcome.” She therefore encouraged the people to take the right decision by embracing Jesus Christ, who teaches us the way to go.
Touched In A Special Way
At the Prayer Line, Pastor Evelyn Joshua looked Heavenwards: “Father Lord, we bless Your Holy name. Jesus Christ, we honour You. Holy Spirit, we welcome You. Father, we have come declaring Your sovereignty. We confess that You are our God, that You are our Creator. We have come knowing You are the Judge, trusting in Your grace and in Your love that we are not left out. You are our peace; in You we find joy and in You we find eternal life.
Lord God Almighty, we ask You to touch us today in a different way, in a special way. Touch Your children so that those who are sick will say they are healed, those who are poor will say they are blessed, those who are weak will say they have strength and those who are lost will declare they are found, in the name of Jesus Christ.”
With faith in their hearts, people came with various issues such as difficulty in walking, asthma, swollen belly, hernia, alcohol addiction, skin disease, partial stroke, rheumatoid arthritis, and nose bleeding. And the power of the living God healed them all!

Other cases that received attention included ankle injury, drug addiction, shoulder fracture, enlarged prostate, mental disorder, leg ulcers, fire burns, loss of memory, piles, hypertension, difficulty in breathing, and seizures. As the people received from the Throne of Grace, they exclaimed, ‘Thank You, Jesus!’”

Pregnant women also got covered with the Blood of Jesus Christ.

For the rest of the congregants in the auditorium, the overflow section, the Sunday School and the nursing mother’s section, it was a special end-of-year touch backed by Heaven as God’s servants ministered with uncommon anointing.
Indeed, by the fire of the Holy Ghost, every stubborn demon was expelled!

And Their Fear Became Faith!
“May the peace of God never depart from your home,” prayed Pastor Evelyn Joshua at the end of the praise session. “Give thanks to God,” she urged the people.
Commencing the Mass Prayer session, she prayed: “We command every doubt in you to turn to strong faith, in the name of Jesus. We command every fear within and outside of you to turn to quiet confidence, in the name of Jesus. Every trouble that came into your life through the iniquity of the fathers – be washed away, in the name of Jesus. Spirit of ne’er-do-well that has entangled your life – we command it to be washed away, in the name of Jesus! Let there be healing in your body, spirit, bones, kidneys, spine, liver! Let there be healing in every organ of your body! Be healed of that affliction, sickness, disease, in the name of Jesus!”

The woman of God continued to pray: “All that causes you shame and disgrace – we command it to go with the year, in the name of Jesus! Everything that holds you to stagnation – we command it to go, in the name of Jesus Christ!”
Turning to viewers all over the world, Pastor Evelyn Joshua prayed: “Anything that stands between you and God’s promises for your life – we command it to give way right now, in the name of Jesus! Every evil veil of destruction, hatred, stagnation standing between you and the promises of God for your life – we command it to be broken, in the name of Jesus Christ! Victory in our lives, in our careers, in our marriage, in the name of Jesus! Breakthrough in your finances! Freedom from every shackle, from every bondage, from every limitation!”

Evangelist James urged the people to pray: “You demon, anywhere you are in my life, in my family – Out, in the name of Jesus! You familiar spirit, you ancestral spirit – Out, in the name of Jesus!”

Next, Evangelist Ope prayed: “Every family idol operating in your life – Out!”

Taking over, Evangelist Joseph prayed: “Those spirits causing you affliction, causing you pain, causing you disease in your organs – Out, in the name of Jesus! You poison in my heart, lungs, kidneys, bones – anywhere you are, hear the voice of God: I order you out!”

Evangelist Chisom prayed: “You demon, you have no choice; you must submit! Anywhere you are, holding me down in bondage, limitation, disappointment – I command you in the name of Jesus: Out!”

In a Mass prayer video, Prophet TB Joshua declared: “I come against every spirit that stands against you! Every spirit that queries your business, career, vision, destiny – begin to give way, in the name of Jesus! Every familiar spirit – we command your existence: Out! You affliction in the blood, fluids, kidneys, liver, bones – you must go, in Jesus’ name!” The man of God urged the people to decree: “My finances, my business, my career – be released, in the name of Jesus!”

Healed From A Paralysing Stroke
Sometime in 2002, Blessing suffered a spiritual attack that eventually led to a stroke. She was taken to various places for help. “At one point I was moved to Ondo State,” she said on December 29, 2024. With not much improvement being recorded, Blessing returned to Lagos. “On October 23, 2022 my husband brought me to The SCOAN for prayer,” she recalled. Later that night, Blessing had a dream encounter with an image of Prophet TB Joshua. “The man of God raised my ailing hand and declared me healed,” she said. Today no longer is Blessing’s mouth twisted from the stroke nor her hand paralysed. “Run to God for your healing and deliverance,” she advised others.

No Longer A Slave To Demonic Pain!
One morning five years ago, Helen woke up to excruciating pain all over her body. “I shed tears and the pain vanished mysteriously,” she recalled on December 29, 2024. Two years later, however, the pain returned with a vengeance. “I went to different hospitals,” she continued, “and had physiotherapy sessions.” She later also got a lumbar corset. Yet, all these aids couldn’t help her.
“By 4 am each day I would wake up because of the pain,” Helen went on. But there was a spiritual dimension to the problem. “I used to see a man come to me in the dream and I suffered miscarriages,” she opened up. On receiving prayer on December 22, Helen had seen the power of the living God surge through her. “Now I can do all that I couldn’t do before,” she said while demonstrating her freedom. She advised others to seek God’s help.

An Artisan Regains His Strength
Joseph, a Ghanaian tiler based in Nigeria, had suddenly felt a sharp pain in his back. “I couldn’t move anymore, so one of my workers had to find a bus to move me,” he said on December 29, 2024. With his work kept on hold and medications not making a lot of difference, Joseph had no other choice but to seek divine intervention. First, he ministered the Living Water on himself after which he regained strength to walk. Second, he made his way to The SCOAN for prayer. After a touch by one of the evangelists, Joseph’s back pain vanished instantly. Now he has returned to work! “If only you could believe, God would do it for you,” he advised.

“I Feel A Sense Of Joy,” Says Man Delivered From Evil Spirits
Knowledge, a Zimbabwean, had been born into an idol-worshipping family. “My parents inherited the idols from their own parents and they told me the idols were meant to protect us,” he told the church on December 29, 2024. However, the idols brought nothing but misfortune to the entire family, bringing delay in every area of life. On discovering Emmanuel TV, Knowledge decided he had to make his way to The SCOAN. On December 15, 2024, he received a touched backed by Heaven. “I felt something leave my body and now I feel a sense of joy,” he said. For advice, he told congregants: “Jesus Christ is the only Solution to our problems.”

Elisa Breaks Free From Pain!
On December 22, 2024, Elisa from Angola was in The SCOAN for prayer. The instant prayer penetrated it, Elisa’s body started to vibrate uncontrollably, causing her to end up on the floor as Pastor Evelyn Joshua stood on the believer’s authority. “For 15 years I suffered severe pain from osteoporosis,” she said, “and I went to different doctors for help.” With the condition affecting her ability to walk, Elisa had almost accepted the doctors’ verdict that she couldn’t be permanently cured. However, she had taken the step of faith and sought divine help. “After the prayer, I received my healing and could move freely and sleep peacefully again,” she said. “Seek God’s help, she advised others.

An End To 16 Years Of Bed-wetting!
“I was a bed-wetter up to the age of 16,” confessed 18-year-old Gifty on December 29, 2024. Because of this problem, she had been unable to attend boarding school or mix up with peers in her primary school days. When her ‘little secret’ finally leaked in secondary school, Gifty became the butt of jokes. “Even at home my siblings sometimes mocked me,” she said. As a solution, Gifty started using adult diapers. “I would hide from my hostel mates in secondary school when using or disposing of the diapers.
To the glory of God, Gifty’s mother visited The SCOAN and got gifts of the Anointing Sticker and Anointing Water. “I ministered the water before going to bed and found that I hadn’t wet my bed for the night,” she testified. Gifty repeated the action. “I called my mother in the morning because I was now sure about the miracle,” she said with a knowing smile. For over two years now Gifty’s sheets have stayed dry! She and her mother glorified the Lord for the deliverance, urging others to trust in the Almighty.

Addiction To Hair Pulling Ends In Praise!
On July 28, 2023, Hope was at The SCOAN Living Water Service. She had been suffering from the addiction of yanking out the hair at the back of her head. “I just couldn’t stop it and people could easily identify me because of it,” Hope said on December 29, 2024. Hope’s parents had done so many things to help her stop the habit, but they had failed spectacularly. However, at the Living Water Service, Hope had prayed fervently and the Lord had hearkened to her cry.
“It was already two weeks after praying on The SCOAN Altar that I realised I no longer pulled my hair,” Hope recalled, her face glowing with a toothy smile. She advised others to seek the Lord’s help. “Whatever you are seeking today, the Lord will do it for you,” she assured them. Her mother, Stella, said, “I pray the miracle shall be permanent in her life, in Jesus’ name.”