Congregants started the Sunday Service with heartfelt worship, singing many songs that ascended to Heaven. They blessed the name of the Lord for His enduring mercies, even as the words of their mouth and the meditation of their hearts were pleasing to Him, for they were anxious for nothing as they approached the Throne Of Grace. The choristers sang, “O Saviour, Hear My Humble Cry/While On Others Thou Art Calling/Do Not Pass Me By!” The SCOAN Choir also exalted the name of the Lord: “You Will Be Exalted, O God/And Your Kingdom Shall Not Pass Away!” By the time they were singing, “I See Fire In His Eyes/Thunder In His Voice,” The Arena Of Liberty was already saturated with the aura of the Holy Spirit, preparing the ground for healing, deliverance and breakthrough for the salvation of souls.

The sermon from Pastor Evelyn Joshua, “Changing From Inside Out,” took its proof text from Luke 15:11-24. The woman of God shared many nuggets of wisdom on how to live in the truth of the Bible. “God Almighty will give us a multitude of testimonies, in Jesus’ name,” she prayed as she gave her opening remarks. She spoke pointedly, “As a child of God, the first place you are to prosper is your spiritual life because that is the real you.” She went on to ask, holding up her Bible, “Where can we find the truth?” She answered, “The truth can be found in God’s Word. God cannot help anyone who keeps his Bible shut.”

Having said that, Pastor Evelyn Joshua addressed issues such as man’s rebellious nature that cuts him off from God, displaying faith in God Almighty who is able to settle all that concerns them, appreciating God’s kindness and that of others, acknowledging God’s willingness to restore them into His fold when they show penitence, and fearing God, among others. “To find yourself there must be self-reflection, self-examination,” Pastor Evelyn Joshua told the people. She observed that what is gained from self-reflection will depend on a person’s nature. “If you are the type that sees something wrong in what you are doing,” she concluded, “you are likely to make corrections.”

Warning congregants to avoid the world’s charming temptations that involve power, authority, wealth and fame, Pastor Evelyn Joshua urged the people to engage in self-reflection that will lead to reconciliation and restoration. She then asked them to pray to God to open their eyes of faith and convict them of their sins as they stay on the track to God’s Kingdom. “Look unto God as your faithful, blessed, compassionate Father. Looking back is a trap of satan. Don’t look back until you get to your home.”

The woman of God then led the people to pray: “Lord Jesus Christ, help me to do better in what I do. I want to walk beside You. I want to know Your strength in all I do.”

And The Bank Of Heaven Opened Up To Them

At the Prayer Line, the woman of God looked towards Heaven: “Father Lord, we bless Your name. Here we are again with Your children. Their trust is in You; their faith is in You. We want to receive Your healing hand in their lives. We want peace in their lives. O Lord God Almighty, in Heaven there is a bank for everything we will ever desire or require to live for You. Let Your healing hand touch them today, in the name of Jesus Christ. Lord, give them comfort, give them peace – that is all it takes to serve you faithfully. In the name of Jesus Christ! Thank You, Lord!”

Among those who were impacted by God’s power were people experiencing difficulty in walking, skin disease, asthma, knee strain, swollen belly, appendicitis, cervical spondylosis, and piles.

For those seeking the fruit of the womb, as well as those already pregnant with breech presentation and bleeding, God’s power was never in doubt!

Pastor Evelyn Joshua and The SCOAN Evangelists also joined hands to command fire from Heaven upon the troubles in the people’s lives, such as hernia, mental disorder, difficulty in urinating, thigh ulcer, cancer of the legs, anaemia, hand injury, and drug addiction, among others.

Indeed, as always, it was another day for Jesus the Winner Man to take over the people’s lives!

And Their Lost Glory Was Restored!

“God is good in all situations,” said Evangelist Ope at the start of the Mass Prayer session. “Let’s thank God for His goodness, mercy, grace, love, power, authority, faithfulness,” he urged the people.

Evangelist Ope read from Numbers 23:23 and told the people to decree upon themselves: “Surely there shall be no enchantment against me! Every demonic conspiracy, every hidden agenda against my life, family – anywhere you are – Holy Ghost Fire: Out! Every demonic conspiracy over my life – I speak to you: Out!”

Evangelist James told the people to pray: “Every demon standing between me and the promises of God for my life – Holy Ghost Fire: Out! You ancestral spirit, family idol standing between me and the promises of God for my life – I command you, in the name of Jesus: Out!”

Evangelist Joseph told the people to pray: “You spirit behind my pain, sickness, you spirit of affliction – I command you, I order you: Out! You poison in my blood, bones, you sickness in my heart, kidneys, lungs – I command you, I order you: Out!”

Evangelist Chisom charged congregants to pray: “You spirit – the cause of my sickness, the cause of my disease – anywhere you are, in the name of Jesus: Out! You spirit that is not of God operating in my business – spirit that causes disappointment, limitation – Out!”

Pastor Evelyn Joshua urged the people to pray: “Lord Jesus Christ, restore my lost glory! Lord Jesus Christ, enable me to be whole! Lord Jesus Christ, I have come with my emptiness that I may be filled with Your grace! Lord Jesus Christ, I am here with my body to lay it at Your feet! I have come with my tears that I may know Your joy and peace!”

Pastor Evelyn Joshua further prayed: “Every burden of any kind – be removed, in the name of Jesus Christ! Every garment of sickness, affliction – we ask you to go, in the name of Jesus Christ! Every power holding you down to where you do not belong – be loosed, in the name of Jesus Christ! Receive the healing hand of God! Be healed! Be freed! Be delivered! Be restored! In the name of Jesus Christ!”

To viewers all over the world, Pastor Evelyn Joshua said: “By the power of the Spoken Word, begin to confront every Goliath in your life! By the power of the Spoken Word, begin to release yourself. In the name of Jesus Christ, by the Blood of Jesus and by the power of the Holy Ghost – be healed from that problem! Be loosed, in the name of Jesus Christ! Receive your freedom!  Receive your deliverance! Receive your breakthrough – breakthrough in your home, job, career, family, finances, in the name of Jesus Christ!”

In a Mass Prayer video, Prophet TB Joshua declared: “I speak to every situation you are in; I command them to leave, in the name of Jesus! I speak to your situation and command it to leave, in the name of Jesus! You demon, you must obey! I command you to leave my people! Every situation challenging you, challenging your career, life, finances – I command it to leave, in the name of Jesus!” 

Prophet TB Joshua continued to pray: “Whatever situation you are in – be it affliction, poverty setback – I command them to leave you, in the name of Jesus! That infection in your blood, kidneys, liver, womb – I command them to leave, in the name of Jesus! Demons in your career – leave! I speak to every situation that disturbs your career – be it sickness, disease, hardship, setback, disappointment – I command them to leave, in the name of Jesus!”


Mother Healed Of Arthritis, Daughter Blessed With A Well-Paid Job!

On February 6, 2022, Susan was in The Arena Of Liberty to receive prayer over chronic arthritis that had battered her body for almost two years. Her legs were encased in braces that reached up to the thighs – in the bid to ease her pain. As she received prayer in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit forced out the impurities in her system. After vomiting, Susan felt instant relief and she started praising the name of the Lord. On May 12, 2024, she returned to The SCOAN for her testimony. She recalled how the problem had started in September 2021. “The doctors treated me with all that they had but there was no solution,” she said. After a dream in which she encountered an image of Prophet TB Joshua urging her to visit The SCOAN for prayer, Susan had managed to make her way to the church. “It had felt as if I had bags of cement heaped upon me, but right after the prayer I felt as light as paper,” she smiled. Susan demonstrated all that she had been unable to do before her healing, including walking briskly and running. Today she no longer needs her heap of drugs and massage machine. She advised others, “Put your trust in God.”

Also testifying was Susan’s daughter, Stephanie, who explained how the illness had affected her and the entire family. She also narrated how she secured a job after prayerfully ministering the Anointing Water on herself. “I had been seeking a job for so long, but God took over this time and saw me through the interview stages for a job with a multinational company,” she said. Stephanie also told of how she and her mother called The SCOAN Prayer Line just before the last interview. “I even had my salary reviewed upwards during my confirmation,” she added. “The New Anointing Water is not just water; it is a blessing for the world,” she asserted. She advised others to believe so that they can receive their own testimony.

A Motherly Sister Leads Her Demon-Troubled Brother To Jesus Christ!

“I want to kill him! I made him a drunkard!” Those were some of the confessions made by the evil spirit that had been ruling Christian’s life. His unhappy sister had confirmed the confessions, stating: “I am the one that takes care of everything about him; my husband is even tired of it all.” All of that had happened on May 5, 2024. A week later, he returned to testify. “I used to eat food sacrificed to idols and I was supposed to be the custodian of the family idol, but I refused,” he started. “The demon behind the idol, a female figure, threatened to deal with me for refusing to serve it,” he went on. Christian recalled how he had failed to finish at four different universities. “I also got denied visas at the final stage, even though I had met all requirements,” he continued. His loving, caring sister persisted in supporting him, however. “She kept trying to bring me to The SCOAN until she succeeded last week,” Christian said soberly as he detailed what the demon had taken away from him all these years. “I didn’t know what happened to me after the evangelist touched me,” he said. “I don’t hear strange voices anymore,” he said, “and I no longer have the urge to drink and do bad things.” He advised others, “Please take it from me: We all need God.” Christian’s sister, Onyinye, glorified God for saving him. Being the two surviving children of their parents, Onyinye had resolved to help Christian in every positive way that she could. “Now he sleeps peacefully and no longer eats with invisible characters,” she added. “Take your problems to God,” she advised others.

Finally, Francisca Receives Her Freedom!

Before receiving prayer on May 5, 2024 inside The SCOAN, Francisca had faced evil attacks all her life. As the Spirit of God fell upon her during ministration by Pastor Evelyn Joshua, the demon in Francisca began to confess its atrocities. Minutes later, it gave up the struggle and vanished. “I grew up facing hatred from people,” she started her testimony on May 12. The Ghanaian said that she had been serving a family idol alongside her parents right from childhood. “The demon made me angry always and everything I did failed,” she continued. The demon also made her suicidal, even as it caused her to face constant disappointment with men. However, a man who had decided to marry her then introduced her to Emmanuel TV. “I felt a shock as I touched my television while Prophet TB Joshua prayed,” she said. Therefore, when Francisca came to The SCOAN on May 5, she saw the Lord perfect His work in her life. Since then, affection has been restored to her marriage. Moreover, she now has peace of mind and all demonic voices have been silenced. She has also had a confirmatory dream about her deliverance. Her husband, Jerry, thanked God for the deliverance and for the restoration of peace in his home.    

Difficulty In Urinating Ends After Anointed Touch!

Innocent, a 64-year-old Nigerian, had been suffering from difficulty in urinating due to prostate enlargement. Doctors had inserted a catheter into his organ. With faith in his heart, however, he had visited The Arena Of Liberty on January 28, 2024, on the prompting of his daughter, Mercy. There, an evangelist prayed for him in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Afterwards, Innocent again moved in faith and asked his doctors to remove the catheter. “The doctor reluctantly removed it, but I have been urinating by myself since then,” he testified. He advised others to take their problems to God. His daughter Mercy also spoke about the healing. “At one point he was urinating blood,” she said, “but I knew that God would heal him.” She described God as the Solution Giver.

In Jovita’s Life, The Yoke Is Broken At Last!

“Our childhood was great but as things have been quite hard for us as adults,” admitted Jovita as she started her testimony on May 12, 2024. “We found it hard to get or stay married,” she added. Jovita went on to narrate how she had left her own marriage just after six months. “I became depressed and hated men so much,” she opened up. Jovita’s divorce had occurred after dreams by her and her mother. Realising that she needed God, Jovita had run to The SCOAN for prayer. “An evangelist touched me and my deliverance happened,” she said. “My breakthrough testimony is on the way,” she smiled. Her mother, Roseline, recalled how she and her husband had unwittingly invited evil forces into their home. “We got a witchdoctor to protect our home after a robbery incident and we later had another one bathe our children ritually,” Roseline confessed. It had transpired during Jovita’s deliverance that those evil forces had been responsible for the family’s problems. Roseline also disclosed that strange beings used to roam around their compound, making disturbing noises and scaring people. One day, Roseline had a dream in which an image of Pastor Evelyn Joshua gave her a Bible passage. “I decided we had to come to The SCOAN for our deliverance,” she said. Today her past is over! Gone now are sleepless nights for Roseline, even as her children now have a future to look forward to. “Seek God,” she advised the world.

Two Months After His Mighty Deliverance, Michael Remains In God’s Vineyard!

When God’s power arrested Michael on March 10, 2024 during the deliverance session of The SCOAN Sunday Service, it caused him to vomit an object that had been lodged inside him for the past 28 years. Michael’s demonic masters had requested him to recruit more people for their kingdom. “I thought I could get people here in The SCOAN, but it was a mistake coming here today,” he admitted. That day, the Spirit of the Lord took over Michael’s life. Rather than help Michael, the charm he had swallowed actually trapped him in poverty – the poverty from which he had been trying to escape in the first place. “I looked haggard because of poverty,” he told the church. He couldn’t feed his family and his wife left with the kids. Having witnessed the mighty power of God, Michael promises to stay in the Lord’s vineyard for the rest of his life.  

For Michael, A Gift Of One Million Naira And A Bible From Pastor Evelyn Joshua And Emmanuel TV Partners!

After Michael re-shared his testimony, he received a package of one million naira and a Bible from Pastor Evelyn Joshua and Emmanuel TV Partners. “The Church has been taking care of me for quite some time now; I give thanks to God and appreciate Pastor Evelyn Joshua and Emmanuel TV Partners,” he said. He continued, “I had never enjoyed this sort of peace in my life.” His wife, Mojisola, also expressed her gratitude.

Email Testimonies

  • Dimakatso from South Africa requested prayer in 2021 over his son who had a skin disease. He also attended The SCOAN Living Water Service presided by Pastor Evelyn Joshua. Afterwards, he had a dream in which he saw visions of his son’s healing. To the glory of God, the healing happened in real life! The boy is now seven years old!
  • Carolanne from the USA had been exercising on April 2, 2024 when she stepped on a sharp object. While in hospital with her husband, Carolanne was alerted about a burglar attack on their home. On returning home, she received prayer over the phone on a SCOAN Prayer Line. Instantly, she could walk easily again! Similarly, she found that her things had stayed untouched despite the burglar’s efforts! She had a picture of Prophet TB Joshua inside the home!
  • Adinkwu from Delta State, Nigeria received prayer in The SCOAN in February 2024 over her pregnancy. On April 6, she had her beautiful baby girl without being induced or undergoing surgery!
  • Beatrice from South Africa had requested prayer on behalf of her ailing mother on 21 April 2024. Today, the woman is hale and hearty for the glory of God!
  • Eunice from Accra, Ghana prayed alongside Prophet TB Joshua and received a miracle. She had experienced a sudden cessation of her urine and menses during the night of 22 April 2024. After listening to the prayer, Eunice urinated freely again and her menses returned!  
  • Chenesani from Botswana used to feel excruciating pain five days before her monthly flow. She also used to feel the pain throughout her period, as well as five days after her menses. After receiving prayer over the phone in April 2024, her menses for the month came painlessly – for the glory of the Lord!
  • Pendo’s brother’s child had taken ill and he had called for prayer on May 1, 2024. Now the child is restored to full health, in Jesus’ name!

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