With their Year Of A New Name winding down, worshippers at The Synagogue assembled for a Special Healing And Deliverance Service on December 6, 2024. Knowing that seasons change, they took this time of the year to consolidate their place in God’s Kingdom. They started by asking for forgiveness of their sins. “Have mercy on …
Category Archives: Healing and Deliverance Service
SCOAN Prepares for Momentous Healing and Deliverance Service
#SCOANHealing&DeliveranceService2023 #PastorEvelynJoshua #TheSCOANEvangelists On Friday, November 6, 2024, the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN) is getting ready for a momentous Healing and Deliverance Service. All Set for The SCOAN Healing and Deliverance Service The Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN) is preparing for a momentous Healing and Deliverance Service on Friday, November 6, 2024. …
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