“Great Is Thy Faithfulness, O Lord!” proclaimed congregants as they began the last SCOAN Sunday Service of January 2025. The lyrics of their different songs expressed the gratitude in their hearts. At one point they stated, “You’re My Glory/And The Lifter Of My Head.” At another point they asserted: “Yahweh, You Are Worthy Of Our Praise!” Rest assured that God remains their strong Pillar despite their unfaithfulness, they equally sang about how far God has been with them. It was therefore easy for them to process the first two words of Evangelist James when he joined them for the sermon: “Be content.”

The evangelist took his proof text from 1 Timothy 6:6-10, although he asked congregants to read the entire chapter in their free time. The message focused on the real essence of life, which is making God the most significant part of our existence rather than material things. “Man’s greatest problem is discontentment,” noted the teacher. The cause of this discontentment, he said, is our constant search for security in things that do not last.

“Satisfaction in life is not about having children, money or other worldly possessions,” Evangelist James explained. And in memorable words he added, “Money and possessions are valuable in your hands but very dangerous in your heart.” The real source of lasting satisfaction and happiness, he went on, is developing a deep relationship with God. In his words, “A contented heart celebrates grace and not possession.” Accordingly, a contented person will not entertain fear, murmuring, complaining or grumbling but will, instead, continue to worship God for His all-sufficient grace.

Evangelist Chisom giving the message at the Altar

Evangelist James encouraged the people to rely always on God’s Word and direction at all times. “Even when everyone is moving,” he said, “you will wait for God’s time.” He then closed with the remarkable words of Prophet TB Joshua: “When you move at God’s time everything will be beautiful. Where God guides, He protects. Where God guides, He provides. Where God guides, He blesses.”

Shake Off That Trouble!

Building on the sermon, Pastor Evelyn Joshua read from John 19:30 and reminded the people of Jesus Christ’s Word to His disciples: “It is finished!”

She encouraged the people to stand firm in their faith while holding on to God’s vision for their lives. In her words, “Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ has given you a sure weapon – both offensive and defensive – to put down every stronghold of trouble and to walk in the victory He won for us.”

Warning congregants about the fact that life is not a playground but a battlefield where only the serious-minded emerge victorious, Pastor Evelyn Joshua charged them thus: “Shake off that trouble that can limit your destiny, which is God’s plan and purpose for your life.”

As she rounded off her message, the woman of God called the people’s attention to the power in the words ‘It is finished’. She also urged them to cast off their garment of shame, trouble and heaviness. After citing Galatians 5:1 the woman of God prayed: “May God trouble your trouble, in the name of Jesus Christ!”

The Sure Weapon Of God’s Power!

Before laying hands on the people, Pastor Evelyn Joshua prayed: “Father Lord, we bless Your Holy name. Jesus Christ, we honour You. Holy Spirit, we praise You. Almighty God, we are here again. We walk out of the unknown to the known. You are our Lord God, the God of all times. Father Lord God Almighty, there are things, experiences that prevent us from being the kind of person You meant us to be.

But by Your Holy Spirit, O Lord, Father, enable us to be made whole, in the name of Jesus Christ. Father, lift up our hearts to seek You and You alone – to focus on You and You alone. Almighty God, allow Your praise to be at the centre of all we do and say, in the name of Jesus Christ.”

Pastor Evelyn Joshua at the prayer line section

Ready to witness the sure weapon of God’s power for the pulling down of strongholds, many from across the world gathered at the Prayer Line. One by one, they cast off their garments of pain, shame and heaviness of heart.

Those heavy with the fruit of the womb also received from the Throne of Grace.

No longer relying on their own strength or understanding, they cast their burdens at the feet of Jesus Christ. With every resistance in their hearts now gone, they witnessed the Holy Ghost heal their flesh of disease and free their spirit from bondage, thus restoring them to God’s original design!

As it was at the Prayer Line, so it was in other parts of the auditorium as wise believers sought to maintain a relationship with the Source of all that they have!

In line with John 8:36, which says, “So if the Son sets you free, you are free indeed,” God used the faculties of His servants to expel all stubborn demons, thereby transforming victims to victors!

They Gave Thanks – And They Got More!

At the start of the Mass Prayer session, Pastor Evelyn Joshua began by telling congregants, “Give thanks to God for everything He has permitted in your life.”

Thereafter, she charged the people to declare thus: “My life – reject failure, reject disappointment, reject setback, reject disease and affliction of all kinds, reject hatred of all kinds, in Jesus’ name!” She continued: “Every spirit of disobedience, laziness, lying, bitterness, jealousy, unfaithfulness – be broken, in the name of Jesus!” She also asked the people to declare: “My life – receive the healing, favour, mercy of God!”

Pastor Evelyn Joshua offering Mass Prayer during The SCOAN Sunday Service 2025

Standing on the authority in the name of Jesus Christ, the woman of God further decreed: “Be healed of that disease, that affliction, that trouble, that heartbreak, that disappointment! I command the rain of favour, the rain of deliverance into your life, in the name of Jesus! Be delivered from every chain, from every shackle! Be freed, in the name of Jesus!”

To viewers all over the world Pastor Evelyn Joshua said, “Begin to release yourself from every form of limitation.” She then asked them to pray: “I release myself from the company of ne’er-do-wells. I cover myself, my children, my job, my marriage, my health, my way with the Blood of Jesus Christ.”

Pastor Evelyn Joshua offering Mass Prayer during The SCOAN Sunday Service 2025

Taking over, Evangelist Joseph prayed: “Those spirits that have zoned you to shame, rejection, pain – Out, by the Fire of the Holy Ghost! You demon, you familiar spirit, you messenger of satan – I command you: Out!”

Evangelist Joseph offering Mass Prayer during The SCOAN Sunday Service 2025

Evangelist Chisom asked congregants to declare: “You contrary spirits operating in my life, in my family – I command you, in the name of Jesus: Out!”

Evangelist Chisom offering Mass Prayer during The SCOAN Sunday Service 2025

Next, Evangelist Ope declared: “You spirit of affliction – anywhere you are: Out, in the name of Jesus! Every affliction, every hidden sickness in your liver, in your kidneys, in your tendons – Out, in the name of Jesus!”

Evangelist Ope offering Mass Prayer during The SCOAN Sunday Service 2025

Evangelist James charged the church to proclaim: “Every constant experience of limitation in my career, of delay in my family, of disappointment in my business – I cancel you, in the name of Jesus!”

Evangelist James offering Mass Prayer during The SCOAN Sunday Service 2025

Finally, in a Mass Prayer video, Prophet TB Joshua decreed: “Unforgiving spirit – be removed, in the name of Jesus! Holding grudges, resentment and strife – be removed, in the name of Jesus Christ! You demon, you familiar spirit – loose your grip right now! Every satanic spirit in your life – Out, in the name of Jesus! I separate you from familiar spirits, in the name of Jesus!”

Clip of Prophet TB Joshua leading the Mass Prayer


A Caterer Gets Her Hand Back!

In a dream, an animal had bitten Christy, a Nigerian caterer based in South Africa. “The following morning at my shop,” she told the church on January 26, 2025, “I suffered a finger cut as I was trying to open a can.” Although Christy received injections at the hospital, she saw the injury expanding over the next few days, causing her to be alarmed.

“It got so bad that doctors suggested cutting off the entire hand,” she said. In the meantime, the doctors gave her more injections. “I remembered that my neighbour had been to The SCOAN, so I approached him,” she went on. That neighbour then prayerfully ministered the Anointing Water on Christy’s hand. In a matter of days, the injury dried up! “Now my hand will no longer be amputated,” she smiled. Christy urged others to believe in God’s power.  

Testimony at the SCOAN Sunday service 26.01.2025

A Divine End To Three Years Of Severe Back Pain!

On January 19, 2025, Joseph was one of those who received prayer over difficulty in walking at The SCOAN. The Nigerian based in Italy had developed severe pain in his back after hearing a crack in his backbone. “For the last three years, I couldn’t attend to my business effectively,” he told the church on January 26. Despite receiving extensive medical attention, combined with herbal remedies that fellow Nigerians brought over to Italy, Joseph didn’t feel better. When familial duty called, however, he had to drag himself down home for his in-law’s burial.

While in Nigeria, he consulted a specialist who charged him exorbitantly for an injection that was supposed to free him from pain for the next six months. “Within two days, however, I started to feel far more severe pain,” Joseph recalled regretfully. His wife Victoria then suggested taking the case to God. “Once the evangelist touched and prayed for me, I felt a cold sensation,” Joseph said, “and I got up and started walking again without pain.” After demonstrating his healing, Joseph advised all to seek God for divine solutions. His wife glorified God for the healing, which, she said, “has set me free, too.” She advised people to seek God. 

Testimony at the SCOAN Sunday service 26.01.2025

Freed From Ancestral Powers, Healed In Jesus’ Name!

It was also on January 19, 2025 that Adesuwa witnessed the demons in her confess as she received the touch of deliverance. At age six she had gone to live with her paternal grandparents. “My grandfather was the chief priest of the village shrine,” she told the church on January 26. After her grandparents passed, Adesuwa’s own parents continued serving the idols. “I continued to eat food sacrificed to idols and I thought it was fun,” she said with a wry smile. Eventually, Adesuwa left home after falling pregnant in her twenties. “The father of my child abandoned us,” she disclosed. Trying to avoid the shame, Adesuwa managed to migrate to Sweden years later. However, the idols of her father’s house followed her down there. “They brought me different illnesses that affected my heart and liver,” recalled the 54-year-old.

Despite living in a frigid country, Adesuwa would sometimes throw her windows open just to be able to take in more oxygen. “At some point, my doctor gave me an oxygen-monitoring wrist-watch that I had to wear always,” she continued. “I wore that watch for the last eight years,” she told the church. Having suffered so much, Adesuwa had decided to call the Emmanuel TV Prayer Line. “I vomited after receiving prayer,” she said. She then decided to come to The SCOAN for prayer. Since receiving a touch sanctioned by Heaven, Adesuwa has been freed from insomnia, nightmares and other health issues. “Our problems are meant to draw us closer to God,” she reminded the church.  

Testimony at the SCOAN Sunday service 26.01.2025

Touched By God’s Healing Hand!

One day, Boniface suddenly started feeling pain in his waist. “There was also hotness all over my body,” he stated on January 26, 2025. Of course, he had visited several hospitals and got different medications. “But the pain wasn’t subsiding,” he noted. Later, doctors diagnosed him with lumbar spondylosis. “I lost a lot of business because I couldn’t move around,” he went on.

Luckily, however, his wife advised him to bring the case before the Lord. “The prayer in The Synagogue transformed my life that day,” a smiling Boniface said. He then demonstrated his healing by moving freely for the glory of God. His supporting wife confirmed the healing, praising God for intervening in the family’s affairs. “Make God the Source of your hope,” she advised others.

Testimony at the SCOAN Sunday service 26.01.2025

Free At Last From Pain!

On January 19, 2026, Nnenna finally received her healing from lumbar spondylosis and muscle spasms. For quite a while, she had had to endure unimaginable pain from the illnesses, which prevented her from doing most of her daily duties. On being struck by God’s power at The SCOAN, Nnenna had fallen flat on her back as the Master Surgeon worked on her system. Today she is free for the glory of God! “Heaven is aware of your situation – trust in God,” she encouraged others.

Testimony at the SCOAN Sunday service 26.01.2025

The Baby God Saved!

Sometime in 2019, Julius’ wife had a baby. “When the doctors invited me to their office, however, they informed me that my baby had to be taken for emergency treatment elsewhere,” he told the church on January 26, 2025. On seeing his baby, Julius notified a nurse about his Anointing Water, asking her to let him minister it on the infant. “She allowed me to minister the water in cotton wool and she gave it to the baby,” he said. Hours later, the medical team excitedly told Julius that his baby had improved significantly.

Within a few days, they declared the baby free from the medical emergency of inability to swallow. Although the doctors had remained surprised for many months about the baby’s condition after birth, they finally agreed that God had indeed taken control. Julius and his wife proudly confirmed baby Seyi’s excellent health and spectacular performance in school. “Trust in God’s power,” they advised others.

Testimony at the SCOAN Sunday service 26.01.2025

Divine Freedom For The Dennis Sisters!

A touch. A manifestation. And a deliverance. That was the order in which God’s power flushed out the demons of anger and bed-wetting that had been bothering Blessing all these years. “I couldn’t socialise much because of these problems, so I was lonely,” she told the church on January 26, 2025 – a week after God rescued her. “In the dream, a figure always threatened to take my life,” she recalled. Having lived in fear and shame all these years, Blessing knew it was time to submit to God. Alongside her parents, she had witnessed God’s deliverance power set her free from the demons that had been ruling her life. “They are all gone now – the bed-wetting, constant anger and disobedience to my parents,” Blessing confirmed. She urged other children to submit to God’s power.

Blessing’s sister, Esther, also got delivered from the demons harassing her dreams and tampering with her education. “There was fire all over my body after I received a touch from the evangelist,” she informed the church, “but I am free now.” Esther continued, “Now I interact freely with my friends and no longer cry over those things I used to see in the dream.”

Their father, Friday, thanked God for removing afflictions from the girls’ lives. He advised others, “Let temptations draw you closer to God.” The girls’ older sister, Nneka, also confirmed the transformation. “Jesus Christ is the Answer to every situation in life,” she reminded the church. Their mother also narrated how she had prayed for the girls using the Anointing Sticker as a point of contact. She said the anointing had caused one of the daughters to manifest. “I glorify God for taking control,” she said, while advising others to have faith in God.

Testimony at the SCOAN Sunday service 26.01.2025

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