On October 11-12, 2024, a momentous event happened in the Argentinian city of Resistencia, Chaco Province. For those two days, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, Pastor Evelyn Joshua held a crusade in the Auditorio Portal del Cielo where the rain of the Holy Ghost fell on all. It was a most blessed day indeed, as thousands with solid faith in their hearts trooped in from different parts of South America and the rest of the world.  

As the people filed into the venue, some of them shared their expectations from the Throne of Grace – and, glory be to God, their expectations were not cut short. Certainly, from God’s mercy was none of them left out.


On Day 1 the programme anchors were Pastor Guillermo Barboza and Pastor Liliana Neznajko, who gave the opening remarks.

Pastor Guillermo Barboza and Pastor Liliana Neznajko giving the opening remarks on the day 2 of the Argentina Crusade, 2024

Shortly afterwards, Pastor Alamo said the opening prayer, alongside his wife.

Pastor Alamo & his wife giving the opening prayer on the day 2 of the Argentina Crusade, 2024

Pastor Sergio Diaz then gave the  welcome address.

Pastor Sergio Diaz giving the welcome address on the day 2 of the Argentina Crusade, 2024

In honour of the land, the Chaco Police Orchestra played the Argentina National Anthem.

Chaco Police Orchestra played the Argentina National Anthem on the day 2 of the Argentina Crusade, 2024

In the same spirit of honouring the land, the worship session started with a traditional performance by the Tupa Noy Band, an Argentinian Christian group. 

Traditional performance by the Tupa Noy Band on the day 2 of the Argentina Crusade, 2024
Traditional performance by the Tupa Noy Band on the day 2 of the Argentina Crusade, 2024
The Hundred Voices Choir, supported by The SCOAN Choir, who ministered in Spanish and English on the day 2 of the Argentina Crusade, 2024

Next to lead the worship session was The Hundred Voices Choir, supported by The SCOAN Choir, who ministered in Spanish and English. Among the songs they rendered were Spirit-inspired compositions by Prophet TB Joshua such as “Abba Father” and “Locate Me, Lord”.

The Hundred Voices Choir, supported by The SCOAN Choir, who ministered in Spanish and English on the day 2 of the Argentina Crusade, 2024
The Hundred Voices Choir, supported by The SCOAN Choir, who ministered in Spanish and English on the day 2 of the Argentina Crusade, 2024
The Hundred Voices Choir, supported by The SCOAN Choir, who ministered in Spanish and English on the day 2 of the Argentina Crusade, 2024

Famous Argentinian gospel singer Rescate also joined the worship session, bringing a rock flavour based on local rhythms. Soon, the atmosphere became saturated with the force of the Holy Spirit.

Rescate joined the worship session bringing a rock flavour based on local rhythms on the day 2 of the Argentina Crusade, 2024
Rescate joined the worship session bringing a rock flavour based on local rhythms on the day 2 of the Argentina Crusade, 2024

With the worship session having prepared the people for the Word of God, Pastor Jorge Ledesma read the profile of Pastor Evelyn Joshua before leaving her altar invitation to Pastor Robert Acosta and his wife.

Pastor Jorge Ledesma read the profile of Pastor Evelyn Joshua before leaving her altar invitation to Pastor Robert Acosta and his wife on the day 2 of the Argentina Crusade, 2024

Faith – A Necessity

“I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,” Pastor Evelyn Joshua said to congregants on joining them for the sermon.

Pastor Evelyn Joshua giving the message on the day 2 of the Argentina Crusade, 2024

She thanked the local organising committee for making the crusade a reality. Accordingly, to Pastor Robert Acosta she said, “Thank you for being a vessel in the house of God.” The woman of God then paid tribute to Prophet TB Joshua. “He was my mentor and a radical lover of Jesus Christ,” she told the world.

Pastor Evelyn Joshua’s sermon was entitled “Faith – A Necessity”, for which she read from Hebrews 11:6. The message dwelt on the importance of exercising faith in our effort to please God. “Without acting faith, a believer cannot bring the name of Jesus Christ on the scene,” she said.  

Pastor Evelyn Joshua giving the message on the day 2 of the Argentina Crusade, 2024
Pastor Evelyn Joshua giving the message on the day 2 of the Argentina Crusade, 2024

The woman of God cited other Bible verses such as John 14:12, Mark 9:17-20 and Mark 9:23-25. While referring to Jesus Christ’s actions on earth, she said, “Faith in God brings us together with His activities here and now and in Heaven.”

Pastor Evelyn Joshua giving the message on the day 2 of the Argentina Crusade, 2024
Pastor Evelyn Joshua giving the message on the day 2 of the Argentina Crusade, 2024
The SCOAN Choir during song ministration on the day 2 of the Argentina Crusade, 2024

Pastor Evelyn Joshua encouraged the people to ask in faith because there is power in the tongue and there is no limit to receiving for those who act in faith. She assured the people: “Jesus Christ is your Light and the Light of all humankind. Darkness cannot overcome the light of God. Whatever darkness that is confronting you today, Jesus Christ has come with everlasting light.”

And Resistencia Received The Incredible!

After her sermon on the necessity of faith, Pastor Evelyn Joshua told the people that it was time for them to act on the Word through God’s Spirit.

Pastor Evelyn Joshua giving the message on the day 2 of the Argentina Crusade, 2024

As they opened up their hearts to contact God’s Spirit, the congregation began to witness the rain of the Holy Spirit on every issue in their lives

For those who had come with bodily afflictions, there were instant manifestations of divine force. While some stood up and walked freely, casting away their walking aids, others discarded their breathing machines and other devices.

Pastor Evelyn Joshua ministering healing and deliverance at the prayer line on the day 2 of the Argentina Crusade, 2024
Pastor Evelyn Joshua ministering healing and deliverance at the prayer line on the day 2 of the Argentina Crusade, 2024
Pastor Evelyn Joshua ministering healing and deliverance at the prayer line on the day 2 of the Argentina Crusade, 2024
Evangelist Chisom ministering healing and deliverance at the prayer line on the day 2 of the Argentina Crusade, 2024
Evangelist Chisom ministering healing and deliverance at the prayer line on the day 2 of the Argentina Crusade, 2024
Evangelist James ministering healing and deliverance at the prayer line on the day 2 of the Argentina Crusade, 2024
Evangelist James ministering healing and deliverance at the prayer line on the day 2 of the Argentina Crusade, 2024
Evangelist Joseph ministering healing and deliverance at the prayer line on the day 2 of the Argentina Crusade, 2024
Evangelist Joseph ministering healing and deliverance at the prayer line on the day 2 of the Argentina Crusade, 2024

For those whose burdens were not visible, the power of God was no less manifest as a touch from Heaven went to the heart of their mental, psychological, emotional and social troubles. Whatever their issues – be it in their business, family, marriage, relationships – God Almighty took control.  

Indeed, many believed the impossible and received the incredible right there in the city of Resistencia, Chaco Province, Argentina!

And because the evidence of Jesus Christ is lives changed, all of the people are now set free from all troubles of the mind and body. Surely, when we invite  Jesus Christ to the scene by faith, miracles happen!

And The Lord Broke Their Bondage!

For congregants on Day 1 of The Crusade In Argentina, the rain of the Holy Spirit continued during the Mass Prayer session.

As Evangelist James called out the first prayer point, the Word went into action through the Spirit of the Living God, causing severe discomfort in every foul spirit. The evangelist decreed: “Every demonic bondage holding me down – be broken, in the name of Jesus Christ!”

Evangelist James during the mass prayer at the prayer line on the day 2 of the Argentina Crusade, 2024

Evangelist Chisom charged the people to take authority over their health: “You unclean spirit causing me sickness, causing me disease – my body is not your dwelling place. I command you: Out, in the name of Jesus!”

Evangelist Chisom during the mass prayer on the day 2 of the Argentina Crusade, 2024

Evangelist Joseph further fired up the atmosphere as he declared: “No hiding place for darkness! Every contrary spirit – by the fire of the Holy Ghost: Out!”

Evangelist Joseph during the mass prayer on the day 2 of the Argentina Crusade, 2024

Summing up the session, Pastor Evelyn Joshua uttered words of fire: “In the name of Jesus, by the Blood of Jesus, by the fire of the Holy Ghost – we command the healing power of God upon your life, in the name of Jesus! “May the mercy of God continue to speak for you, in the name of Jesus!”

Pastor Evelyn Joshua during the mass prayer on the day 2 of the Argentina Crusade, 2024
Pastor Evelyn Joshua during the mass prayer on the day 2 of the Argentina Crusade, 2024

Echoes Of Abiding Miracles

Regarding the necessity of sharing testimonies, the Bible tells us in Psalm 107:1-2: “O give thanks unto the Lord, for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever. Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy.” Accordingly, congregants had the chance to listen to faith-boosting testimonies from others’ encounter with God’s power.  

Paraguay Crusade 2017 – Noma Continues To Walk Freely

Norma from Paraguay was at The Crusade In Paraguay With Prophet TB Joshua. Ten years earlier, she had suffered disc herniation in a motoring accident. “For all that time I was unable to walk freely because of the fractures in my vertebral column,” she told congregants on Day 1 of The Crusade In Argentina. Despite undergoing surgery, Norma continued to suffer. “My lumbar corset didn’t help much and I suffered a lot,” she went on. To the glory of God, however, the prayer of healing restored her health in Asuncion, Paraguay. “After prayer by Prophet TB Joshua, I began to walk by myself and no longer felt pain,” she recalled. From that time onwards, she stopped taking drugs for numbing her pain. “Seek God,” she advised others.

Testimony on the day 2 of the Argentina Crusade, 2024

Paraguay Crusade 2017 – What Better Way To Prove An End To Asthma?

A Paraguayan 7-year-old had been presented for prayer on Day 1 of The Crusade In Paraguay With Prophet TB Joshua. She was suffering from asthma and her parents had been seriously troubled by the situation. As the wonder-working power of Jesus Christ surged through Prophet TB Joshua into the child, her clogged airways opened up to the instant relief of her parents. So grateful have the child and her parents been that they spared no resources in retelling the testimony seven years after. To confirm the abiding testimony, the former asthma patient, now a teenager, played the saxophone variant of the hymn ‘How Great Thou Art!’  

Testimony on the day 2 of the Argentina Crusade, 2024

Spain Crusade 2023 – Healing Of Body And Mind For Spanish Couple!

At The Crusade In Spain With Pastor Evelyn Joshua, a pastor couple received from the Lord. Following an accident, Pastor Olga had resorted to using crutches. “I couldn’t do much for myself and spent considerable time and resources in seeking a remedy,” she told congregants on Day 1 of The Crusade In Argentina. “When I received prayer, however, something happened inside my body,” she recalled, “and when I got up, I could walk freely again.” After confirming the testimony, her husband Ricardo, also a pastor, equally shared his own testimony of deliverance from the spirit of depression. “I am totally free now,” he declared. He urged others not to be ashamed of seeking God’s help.

Pastor Evelyn Joshua during the mass prayer on the day 2 of the Argentina Crusade, 2024

SCOAN 2017 – And The Evidence Remains!

In 2017, Marta was at The SCOAN in Lagos for prayer over the problem of difficulty in walking caused by an intractable hernia. Her mid-body encased in a lumbar corset, she had managed to stand for prayer as Prophet TB Joshua ministered healing during the Sunday Service. “I went to many doctors but they couldn’t take my pain away,” she recalled in Resistencia on October 11, 2024. “Once Prophet TB Joshua prayed for me,” she continued, “I became healed and could do things I had been unable to do before then.” She advised others to take their issues to God. Her husband, Miguel, also told of being healed of haemorrhoids at The SCOAN during the same service.

Testimony on the day 2 of the Argentina Crusade, 2024

The Way Out For Daiana and Exequiel

Daiana, a resident of Spain, had attended a SCOAN Partners’ Meeting in France sometime in 2018. She had been experiencing severe stomach pain that doctors couldn’t do anything about. “I could barely eat,” she said on Day 1 of The Crusade In Argentina. During the ministration of the Anointing Water at the Meeting, the root cause of Daiana’s stomach problem was exposed. She was also delivered from the spirit responsible for insomnia and drug addiction. Her partner, Exequiel, also testified about his deliverance from addiction to pornography as well as healing from difficulty in breathing. “I went to The SCOAN for prayer,” he disclosed, “and have been in a better place since Pastor Evelyn Joshua prayed for me there.” He added that his relationship with Daiana, who was then his fiancée, was also restored after the prayer. “Seek God’s face,” Daiana advised others, alongside her husband. 

Testimony on the day 2 of the Argentina Crusade, 2024

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