It was two days after The SCOAN Living Water Service 2024, and The Synagogue brimmed with excitement as congregants turned up in their finery for a special service of gratitude to the God of all flesh. They started by singing, “We Give You Thanks, O Lord/For All You Have Done,” acknowledging the need to worship the One that healed, delivered and saved them. They went on to lift high the Son of God, Jesus Christ, declaring: “Emmanuel – Your Name Be Praised!” Nothing short of amazing was the atmosphere inside the Main Auditorium and the Overflow Section, as the Holy Spirit took control, causing many to vomit blood and other poisonous substances.

When she joined them, Pastor Evelyn Joshua told the people that she was there to share words of encouragement on faith and God’s Word. “Faith requires you to speak out before you feel it or see it,” she said, “so let’s continue to fight the good fight of faith by constantly taking in the Word of God.” She read from Romans 10:10-11 for her proof text.

The woman of God explained that salvation comes from accepting the Resurrection and declaring Jesus Christ as Lord. “With the heart we believe that Jesus is righteous,” she said, while urging all to let God’s Word dominate their hearts so that it can influence their character and conduct. She further noted that God uses those who seek His face not His hand, with faith and hope in God going together. According to the woman of God, “That which is the object of your hope is also the object of your faith. Jesus Christ is the Object of our faith; He is our Hope.”

As she was ending the message, Pastor Evelyn Joshua urged the people to imitate their heavenly Father and to separate themselves from worldly concerns. She prayed for the people: “May the words of your mouth continue to build and not destroy. May the words of your mouth continue to bring blessings and not curses.”
A Special Day For Them All!
At the Prayer Line, Pastor Evelyn Joshua looked towards Heaven: “Father Lord, here are Your children. They have come to seek Your face; reveal Yourself to them, in the name of Jesus. Make today a special day for them, in the name of Jesus. You said it is the day that You have made; they will rejoice and they will be glad in it, in Jesus’ name. Father, remove every burden from their lives, in the name of Jesus. Father, give them peace – peace to serve You faithfully. Let Your peace reign in their lives, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.”

Among the cases ministered to were asthma, waist fracture, convulsion, swollen belly, kidney problems, hernia, swollen scrotum, and elbow injury, etc.

Pastor Evelyn Joshua also ministered the prayer of healing and deliverance to women seeking God’s hand upon their pregnancies.

Other cases included skin disease, bleeding, mental disorder, prostate cancer, difficulty in urinating, piles, breast cancer, glaucoma, and fire as well as hot water burns.

The SCOAN Evangelists also joined Pastor Evelyn Joshua in declaring healing, deliverance and breakthrough upon congregants from all over the world.

And in the One-On-One session, no demon was strong enough to resist as the evangelists declared: “Fire all over your body! Out, in the name of Jesus Christ!”

The Overflow Section – God’s Spirit Everywhere!
Standing on the believer’s authority, The SCOAN Evangelists ministered prayer to congregants in the Overflow Section as the fire of the Holy Ghost consumed all foul spirits.

And He Broke Their Cycle Of Limitation!
Starting the Mass Prayer session, Evangelist James asked congregants to prepare their hearts to receive from God. “Make sure your heart is free from doubt,” he urged them.
Evangelist James prayed: “Every negative word spoken against your life, family – be nullified! Every spirit that kills, steals, destroys – I command you: Out, in the name of Jesus!”

Evangelist Chisom asked the people to decree: “You spirit that is not of God operating in my life – Out, in the name of Jesus!”

Evangelist Joseph urged the people to decree: “All spirits causing me sickness, disease – Holy Ghost Fire: Out! You hidden sickness in my kidneys, in my blood, in my bones – I command you: Out!”

Evangelist Ope told the people to declare: “Every cycle of limitation operating in my family, life – be broken, in the name of Jesus!”

Taking over, Pastor Evelyn Joshua cited Exodus 3:1-9 and urged congregants to ask for God’s mercy. She prayed: “Father Lord God, let the current of favour flow into the lives of Your children, in the name of Jesus! Let Your anointing of faith fall afresh on them, their children, their career, in the name of Jesus! Let their generation continue to enjoy enduring mercy, in the name of Jesus Christ!”

The woman of God further prayed: “Bless the work of their hands with the mantle of favour, in the name of Jesus Christ! Be freed from every shackle, from every trouble, in the name of Jesus Christ! Freedom in your life, freedom in your way, freedom in your business, freedom in your career, freedom in the lives of your children!”

In a Mass Prayer video, Prophet TB Joshua told the people to say: “Holy Spirit, take more of me and give me more of You.” He prayed: “You spirit that kills, that destroys – leave my people! I command you to be set free, in the name of Jesus! You fibroids – come out! I command that cancer, appendicitis, hypertension, whatever is in your kidneys, liver, blood – Out! I separate you from that spirit! Let there be light in your dark moments! In your darkness let there be light! In your kidneys, liver, blood – let there be light, in the name of Jesus!”

Scholarship/Grant Awards By The TB Joshua Foundation
Following The SCOAN Youth Convention 2024, over 40 young people were awarded education scholarships and small/medium-scale business grants. The total award amounted to 13 million naira. Among the recipients of the business grants were those engaged in fish farming, school proprietorship and shoemaking, among others.

Pastor Evelyn Joshua prayed for the recipients: “Whatever you have received will be multiplied a millionfold, in Jesus’ name.”

Osteoarthritis Healed, Menses Restored!
Before climbing on the Mountain of Prayer on August 2, 2024, during the Living Water Service, Chidinma had expressed faith that she would be healed of osteoarthritis, which had been preventing her from enjoying a vibrant life. For many months her menses had also ceased. “I heard something click into place as I climbed down the altar, so I knew that I had been healed,” she testified two days later. Hours later she also realised that her menses had started to flow again. “When I took the Living Water, my stomach started to rumble,” she explained, “and when I went into the restroom, I saw what I had been looking for all these months.” Her brother, Divine, glorified God for the healing, saying he had been advising her to seek God’s help. Chidinma advised others to stick to God.

“I Felt As If I Could Fly,” Says Elderly Woman Healed Of Osteoarthritis
Mary, an elderly Nigerian woman living in South Africa, had been at the Living Water Service on August 2, 2024. Suffering from osteoarthritis in both knees, she had been capable of very little movement and relied on family for help with daily activities. “I couldn’t drive,” she recalled. After ingesting the Living Water in faith, Mary said, “I felt as if I could fly.” She also testified about her pneumonia healing after being ministered with the Anointing Water while in hospital in South Africa. Mary had also called the Prayer Line over her inability to use the restroom seven days before the call. “I went to the toilet barely two minutes after the call,” she said. She advised others to have faith and hope in God.

After Years Of Torture And Stagnation, Precious Enters The Light Of God!
On July 28, 2024, the deliverance power of Jesus Christ fell upon Precious and caused the demon in her to confess its atrocities in her life. It transpired that she had been dedicated to familiar spirits in childhood. “I used to live with my grandmother but later went to stay with my parents, who made me stay with a spiritualist until I turned 10 years old,” she said. Subsequently, owing to maltreatment there, Precious fled from the spiritualist’s home. “I roamed the streets for over five years before managing to retrace my grandmother’s place,” she continued. After her grandmother passed, Precious returned to her riotous street life, moving from one man to the next. Along the line, she met a man who insisted on marrying her. After initial resistance, Precious gave in. Thereafter began a life of stagnation for her and her husband. “Most times we couldn’t even get to buy food or other items on credit; moreover, my handyman husband wasn’t being called for jobs despite his great skills,” Precious went on. “I wanted to leave my marriage but the thoughts of my past dissuaded me,” she said. She was now suicidal from depression. It was at this point that a friend introduced her to Emmanuel TV. “I started watching the station and knew I had to come to The SCOAN,” a tearful Precious said. Eventually she managed to make her way to Lagos, after telling her family members that she wouldn’t return home if she didn’t get delivered. “My body started shaking before the evangelist got to me,” she recalled. As evidence of her new life, Precious slept blissfully on the night of her deliverance. She also received calmness of spirit and assurance about her future. “I called my husband and asked him to come for his deliverance,” she said. She advised others to draw close to God. “Stop taking your children to fortune tellers,” she also advised. Her husband glorified God for the deliverance.

Marital Sweetness Restored!
Mercy used to have intercourse in the dream. “Anytime it happened I would pick a quarrel with my husband,” she said on August 4, 2024 – two days after her deliverance at the Living Water Service. Although the demon had been in Mercy’s life long before marriage, its activities intensified thereafter. Most times it caused her to beat her children over nothing. After feeling God’s hand upon her on the Mountain of Prayer, Mercy blanked out momentarily. “I woke up delivered,” she said, “and now all affection for my husband is restored.” Her husband also participated in the Living Water Service. “I was equally delivered,” he said. He advised people to be patient for their own testimony. Mercy advised other women to rely on God for solutions rather than friends.

A Sweet End To Discal Hernia And Nerve Compression!
Nomsy, a 61-year-old Gabonese woman, had been suffering from difficulty in walking due to discal hernia and nerve compression. Expectedly, the condition affected her daily activities. “I had woken up one morning with pain in my leg,” she said on August 4, 2024. She continued, “For six months I was bedridden and doctors told me I needed to undergo a risky surgery.” In faith, however, Nomsy took her case to God. She told the church, “On July 28, 2024 Pastor Evelyn Joshua prayed for me and I could walk again.” Now she no longer depends on medications and walking aids. Nomsy’s Nigerian friend Mary thanked God for the healing. “I suffered with her, so I am happy that she is fine now,” she said. Mary advised others to seek God.

Saved By Grace, Healed By Faith!
On November 19, 2023, Constance from Cameroon sat for prayer in The Arena of Liberty over the problem of leg ulcer. “It started sometime in 2019 when I found a sore under my foot; I thought nothing of it,” she said on August 4, 2024. Although doctors said that the foot was not infected, they suggested surgery. “By this time the sore had become messy and bloody,” she said. After she received prayer and returned home with the Anointing Water, Constance felt the healing power of God in her body. “I would take the leg for cleaning in the hospital and then minister the water on it; as time went on, my healing became complete,” she continued. “Believe that Jesus Christ is alive,” she advised others. Her son, David, thanked God for the healing and advised others to seek God’s help.

Generational Curse Broken!
“I want to destroy her!” boasted the demon in Silvia as it screamed in discomfort during the deliverance session of the service of August 4, 2024. The Equatorial Guinean had been told there was a curse on her family. “We weren’t able to make progress in life – there was so much poverty,” she said. The young Silvia had had to find a job instead of pursuing further education. “I started to make progress financially,” she said, “but I was the only one doing well in the family.” One day, however, an evil woman appeared to her in the dream. “I lost my job and all the things I had acquired,” Silvia recalled. She then became suicidal, following a long bout of depression, as she searched endlessly for another job. On discovering Emmanuel TV, Silvia started to pray along with Prophet TB Joshua and soon had a dream in which the man of God prayed for her. “After that dream, I got a job I had been seeking for four years,” she said. But the devil still tried to get in Silvia’s way by making her meet a man who tried to trap her by fetish means. “He was after my money, so I left him and renewed my relationship with God by seeking deliverance.” Since the deliverance on July 28, 2024, Silvia has become a new creature in Jesus Christ. She advised people to seek God always.

Healing Granted, Breakthrough Job Secured!
On April 29, 2018, Josephine, a Namibian, witnessed the raw power of God as Prophet TB Joshua ministered in The SCOAN. “I was diagnosed with tuberculosis of the spine, which affected my life in many ways,” she said on August 4, 2024. She told of how the power of God released her from all pain. “I no longer needed a crutch or lumbar corset,” she said, “and I can do all things now.” She told the world, “Doctors treat but Jesus heals.” Her older sister Aune recalled how Josephine had refused to be categorised as a disabled by her employers. Aune also told of how she received her job breakthrough after returning from the trip to The SCOAN with her sister. “What the enemy meant for evil, God has turned it around for our good,” she sang. She told the world, “God moves mountains.”

“It’s True What You See – I Can Now Walk!”
Lumbar spondylosis was the verdict for Blessing’s aunt. “Madam, your condition can only be managed not cured,” doctors had told her. In faith, however, Blessing came to the Living Water Service with the ailing woman on August 2, 2024. “She couldn’t come in with me but stayed in the Overflow Section, so I came in and got the water for her,” Blessing said. On rejoining her aunt, Blessing ministered the water on her. “Initially it seemed as if nothing had happened but I was amazed when I saw her walking,” Blessing disclosed. Seeing Blessing’s surprise, her aunt cleared her doubt: “It’s true what you see – I can now walk!” She advised people to approach God’s house prayerfully. Bubbling with excitement as she demonstrated her healing, the woman asserted: “God can do all things!”

Victoria’s Menses Return During Living Water Service!
Until August 2, 2024, Victoria had been experiencing ceased menstruation for the last eight months. “My waist ached constantly,” she recalled two days later, during her testimony, “but the Living Water healed me and restored my menses.” She advised others to trust in God. “God is in this place,” she declared. Her friend Gloria confirmed the testimony, even as she also advised others to trust in God.

Saved From Grievous Accident By The God Of Mercy!
American truck driver Dawkins was in The SCOAN for prayer a while ago. He recalled, “The woman of God prayed for me and I received faith items such as the Anointing Water and the faith bracelet.” While on duty one rainy, windy day, Dawkins suffered an accident in which his truck fell off a high bridge. To the glory of God, however, there was not a single scratch on Dawkins’ bod, for the God of mercy had saved him! “Always take God along with you wherever you go,” he advised.

A Landlord’s Amazing Act Of Faith!
Lakyotou, a Beninese woman, had attended the Living Water Service on August 2, 2024, aided by her kindhearted landlord, who had taken the pains to bring her all the way from Benin Republic. Lakyotou said on August 4, 2024, “I had woken up one morning to discover pain in my legs.” She had gone from one witch doctor to the next and from one hospital to another. “I lost my husband in the course of this illness,” she continued, “and I moved to my brother’s place.” It was her brother who had taken her to the hospitals, but she had returned to the witch doctors after the hospitals too could not help her. But the story changed at The SCOAN. “Once the woman of God prayed for me, I felt God’s power in my body,” Lakyotou said, “and now I am fine.” In excitement she said, “Only God has the final say.” Her landlord, Dosu, said that he had brought Lakyotou to The SCOAN because he believed in God’s power. “I have been receiving calls from back home since her healing,” he disclosed. He told the world, “God is the Solution to all fundamental issues of life.”

No Longer A Child Of Sangomas – But A Child Of God!
Zolelwa, a 53-year-old woman from South Africa, recalled her childhood amidst sangomas – witch doctors in the Eastern Cape Province. “I was fed with food dedicated to idols as my parents and other family members danced around the idols,” she narrated on August 4, 2024. She continued, “I used to have a skin reaction anytime I swam in the stream and my grandmother would return me to the stream and apply a concoction all over my body instead of taking me to the hospital.” The constant reaction was a warning to Zolelwa to avoid swimming. “I had to quit the worship of idols,” she said, “because I wanted a different life.” Yet, the idols decided to continue tormenting Zolelwa with bad dreams. “At one point, the idols reversed the promotion that I had been given, so I fell into depression and developed insomnia.” She also disclosed that her relationships were unstable. “The longest I had was three months,” she said, “and people would just reject me for no reason, especially after a dream in which a strange man had slept with me the night before.” Realising her need for God, Zolelwa had made her way to the Living Water Service and the Spirit of God had arrested the demon in her. “This is holy ground!” she declared as she recalled how the evil voice in her was silenced as she sought to climb on the Mountain of Prayer. No longer does Zolelwa experience insomnia, even as the peace of God now reigns in her heart.

Sleep Apnea Vanishes At The Sight Of The Anointing!
Michael, a Nigerian who has lived in France for 40 years, was one of those who received prayer at The Crusade In Spain With Pastor Evelyn Joshua in April 2023. After retiring, he had come down with some ailments. “My doctor said I had sleep apnea, so she recommended a special breathing machine for me,” he said. The machine did little for him, however. “I always felt weak in the morning because I never got enough sleep,” he recalled. Since receiving prayer, Michael has refused to use his breathing machine and the Lord has been faithful. “Focus on God,” he advised, “and do not listen to those who try to discourage you.”