An opinion article published in the Nigerian Compass…
It is difficult to build a house, but it’s easy to destroy it in a twinkle of an eye. In Nigeria, and indeed the world over, bad news sells like hot cake. The religious controversies that surrounded the Synagogue Church Of All Nations (SCOAN) revered General Overseer, Prophet T.B Joshua over the years could be traced to some dubious, iniquitous and callous propagandists who never wanted the gospel of Christ to be heard. There have been several baseless vituperations and invectives from different respected ministers of God and disgruntled disciples attacking the personality of Prophet T.B Joshua. And over the years, many people still believe that T.B is not a man of God.
As a young journalist of this present 21st century, I have quickly discovered that bad news is more propagated in our nation’s media than good news. I know every great man on earth has the good and the bad sides of his lifetime, but the Bible says in the book of Matthew 7:1 – “Judge not, that you be not judged”. The recent publication in the ‘Westerner Magazine’, where some elements claimed to be close disciples of Prophet T.B Joshua and know his secret powers, could quite frankly be disbanded. The Bible says ‘many are called but few are chosen’. The ministry of Prophet T.B Joshua is quite different from other ministers of God in all ramifications. It is clear joining PFN or CAN does not guarantee someone to go to heaven. Lies and wrangling constitute tools of the enemy and the devil likes to cause confusion and disaffection among the children of God. The campaign of envious calumny against Prophet Joshua is no longer news. Many writers have nailed the said man of God to instant hell fire, yet he is still waxing stronger in the Lord.
The Bible says, a prophet is not honoured in his hometown, despite his focus, determination and hardworking. Even Jesus Christ passed through difficult accusations from kings, leaders and many others. Notwithstanding, Prophet T.B Joshua is one of the most respected men of God in the world today. The said disciples claiming to know the deep secrets of T.B Joshua are using this VCD and factions of the media in an attempt to settle their satanic scores. The truth of the matter is that some of these confessions are simply not true. Let me make it clear that I am not a member of T.B Joshua’s ministry, and it is true we have counterfeit pastors claiming to be called by Almighty God, whereas, God’s inspiration is out of the context of establishing their so-called churches. But despite all these peddling rumours making rounds, Prophet T.B Joshua is still waxing stronger in the Lord, testament to the genuineness of his calling.

Every individual on earth has his past experiences, whether we like it or not, but I believe T.B Joshua was born to be a great man. Great men of God do not criticize people, but pray for those unbelievers who make misguided utterances. Nigerians must not accept the betrayers of T.B Joshua who are using this VCD to make money in order to earn their living. Even the so-called Mr. Agomoh has equally established his own ministry and NGO. Is he really called by God? Even Judah Iscariot in the Holy Bible betrayed Jesus Christ at the eleventh hour. Even some churches now call themselves happening, growing, moving, success points, miracle centres and many more. Did Christ praise Himself while on earth?
In conclusion, those peddling fake rumours against men of God should desist from such ugly acts and be ready to propagate the true gospel of Christ. Prophet T.B Joshua’s charitable services are enough for God to bless him.
Odidi, a public affairs analyst and journalist in Lagos
SOURCE: Nigerian Compass
every thing about the prophet of God is just envy, the so call men of GOD are just dumb theologianswho did not even understand the word of GOD, THE PREACH about wealth and critisize OTHER anoited men of GOD ,They dont have any thing to offer to the congregation, the Grace of God is different from each person, therefor if you can do the work of perfctly stop critisizing the prophet of GOD,it is written boldly TOUCH NOT MY ANOITED AND DO MY PROPHET NO HARM. GOD BLESS EVERY ONE.
The Lord Himself is proving to the people that T.B. Joshua is not what people are saying, I have viewed carefully and found that there is no trace of evil in the prophet. The devil never pray for his enemy that is enough to prove that there is nothing of evil in the prophet. People of God we should be careful otherwise we may sin against the Holy Ghost
Emmanuel!! I believe the man of God Prophet T.B.Joshua is a true Prophet to the whole world. May God continue to bless him.
Let them go ahead and say what they like,they are enemies of progress:Afterall all what T.B JOSHUA has been doing i.e miracles,deliverances and even the gifts he have out have all been done in the name of GOD…So Prophet continue to do the work of him that sent you-THEY ARE ONLY DOING WHAT THEY ARE DOING TO DISTRACT YOU DESPITE THE FACT THAT THEY HAVE NOTHING TO OFFER.
I strongly believe that our so-called pastors in our churches are hiding the truth from us, they believe that if we know the truth about this man of God, we will abandon them since they dont have anything to offer us when it comes to things of the Holy Spirit. Their jelousy lead them to criticise his good work and blaspheme against Prophet TB Joshua. What people dont understand they criticised, what they understand they destroy. I was once a victim of their lies, but today Jesus has set me free now i know the truth for is only truth can set one free. When God says YES, no one can say no. Man of God I pray for you and the SCOAN always that God shall continue to increase you and annoint you more and more for all the good work He is using you do to this our generation in Jesus name, ameeeeen.
T B Joshua’s is a true calling of note. No doubt he’s a servant of God.
Indeed he is a true prophet of God.wat amaze me most is d way he gives
T b joshua is a man of God period.
When it comes to destructive critism, ethnism NIGERIANS are the greatest in the world. Thats why d con3 is Lagging behind. Judges are sinners, reproofers are saint. I don’t blame those who talk like laimbrained buffoon!
May d good lord con’t to bless u and ur ministry.i luv u my prophet.u are indeed a prophet.
Prophet TB Joshua is a true prophet from God through His son Jesus Christ and there is nothing the devil and his agents can do about; infact the devil is in trouble. “Emmanuel, God is with us”! As a matter of fact av nt been to his church but am a regular viewer of emmanuel tv. I believe in his ministry comeon! Hallelujah…….
people of God outside Nigeria
our attention has been drawn to some
certain individuals or Group of persons
who are running Fake watsapp account (s) Fake e-mail (s) and Fake….
Facebook accounts
They pretends to be
These are Fraudsters they are only after
your MONEY. SCOAN DOESN’T USE WATSAPP OR EMAILS please be careful .!!!
If you are outside Nigeria ,and you do not
have the time or money to Come to”
Nigerian yourself,
look for some one you trust who can get
The morning water, anointed stickers,
Video cassettes, mirror book ,testimony
book , ..from
Senior prophet TB Joshua ….
Or if you do not have any one in or
coming to Scoan,send an Email directly to
[email protected]
with your full
names full address phone number:
what you need