Matthew 18:4-5 says, “Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Whoever receives one little child like this in My name receives Me.”
What is the first thought that strikes your mind when you wake up? Is it thoughts of peace and comfort in God’s Word or is it the contrary? The Bible encourages us to be humble as little children, to emulate the Christlikeness of little children. In their innocence, children follow instructions without questioning and they trust implicitly, never doubting. They also do not argue when they make mistakes and are quick to ask for forgiveness when they sin. Like children, we should be open about our sins and weaknesses and lay them bare before the feet of Christ. If you make a mistake, as we all do sometimes, do not run from God but run to Him. The difference between you and others is that you already have a relationship with God Almighty, so you can go back to Him about your behaviour. He will help you get back on your feet, forgive you and help you not to make the same mistakes again.
Jesus Christ is the sinner’s only Saviour. He is the reason and purpose for our being. The Lord Jesus Christ will only consider our request when He sees in us the attributes of a faithful follower and a willing servant—attributes that are essential characters of true disciples (2 Chronicles 7:14).
Prayer: Lord, help me not only to run but to run with a purpose. Help me to follow You on the way, in Jesus’ name! Amen!