Genesis 21:6 says, “And Sarah said, ‘God has made me laugh, and all who hear will laugh with me.’”
God Almighty disciplines us as a process to reform us, to keep us for a new level in life and to strengthen our desire and determination for Him. Today, everyone wants to be great, but not everyone wants to go through God’s process. Remember that if you are in a haste to achieve something, you may likely make costly mistakes that will pull you back, if not down. If you ignore God’s process and focus only on your immediate result, you may likely not have the patience to differentiate between God’s supply and satan’s bait. The process helps you maintain the result. If the process you go through is not of God, you might not be able to maintain the result. However, if it is of God, the result will stand the test of time.
Do not ignore the process; God is treating you as His own. He is processing us now through the heat of trials so that we will be disciplined enough to maintain ourselves when we get to the place of our destiny. It is in the mind of God to answer prayers; even when He seems not to respond immediately to our petition, He is still saying something. Don’t get disappointed when He seems to be silent; He is preparing you for the mother of miracles. All you need to do is to be patient. Those that laugh at you for your patience will testify to your result. Because you are waiting patiently on God and are following His process, you will rejoice, in Jesus’ name.
Prayer: Lord Jesus, help me to believe in You in the midst of my trials, in Jesus Christ’s name! Amen!